
The retina is a sensory layer at the back of the eye and plays an essential role in the process that converts light that enters the eye into visual images. The good health of the retina is crucial for clear vision.

West Boca Eye center | Retina

One serious condition that can affect this vital component is if the retina tears away from the underlying supportive tissue—this is known as retinal detachment.

When this happens vitreous (the gel-like substance within the eye) can seep behind the retina, causing it to further separate from the vital blood vessels and structures beneath. This can occur through trauma to the eye or can happen spontaneously—often due to the natural aging process. Whatever the reason behind the condition, it prevents the retina from functioning correctly. Without appropriate and prompt intervention this is a sight-threatening event. If left untreated for any length of time permanent loss of vision can occur.

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How Do I Know if I Need Retinal Detachment Surgery?

Retinal detachment presents with a variety of signs and symptoms. Depending on the speed of the detachment these might evolve suddenly or a little slower. Previous instances of retinal detachment increase the risk of it happening again. There are occasions when small holes or retinal tears produce no symptoms. While rare, such instances are most usually discovered during a regular eye examination and appropriate treatment is promptly instigated. Symptoms that you might be suffering from retinal detachment and require urgent treatment from a retina surgeon include:

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  • The sudden appearance (or an increase in the number) of dark spots and/or floaters
  • Seeing flashes of light
  • A shadow or “curtain” descending from the top of the eye or intruding from the side
  • Blurred or distorted vision
  • Gradually reducing peripheral vision

While retinal detachment is usually painless, all of the above are warning signs that warrant immediate investigation. Retinal detachment is a medical emergency. If you experience any of the above symptoms you should seek urgent advice from a local ophthalmologist. Such an expert can easily be found by entering “retina doctor near me” or “retina eye specialists near me” into Google or another search engine.

What Happens During Retina Surgery?

Retinal detachment surgery is carried out under either local or general anesthetic. Your retina specialist will decide which is the most appropriate for your condition. The necessary treatment will be determined by the type of retinal detachment that’s occurred. There are three forms of retinal detachment. These are:

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  • Rhegmatogenous: The most common type, this happens when a small hole or tear allows the vitreous to exude from the inner chamber of the eye and collect beneath the retina. Such displacement applies enough pressure to cause the retinal layer to be pulled away from the underlying structures, including the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina. In turn, this disrupts visual integrity. The most common cause of this is aging—you might hear it referred to as posterior vitreous detachment, or by its acronym, PVD.
  • Tractional: More common in those with diabetic retinopathy, this occurs when scar tissue builds up on the surface of the retina. This pulls the retinal layer away from the underlying surface.
  • Exudative: This is due to fluid building up between the retina and the structures beneath. While there is no physical hole or tear, the increasing accumulation of fluid forces the retinal layer to detach. There are several reasons this might occur, including trauma to the eye, age-related macular degeneration, inflammatory disorders, or the formation of tumors.

Carrying out re-attachment or fixing a tear or hole will involve a retina specialist carrying out procedures that includes one or a combination of the following:

  • Vitrectomy: This is to remove and replace the jelly within the eye
  • Scleral buckling: A small band is attached around the eye. This pushes the retina and wall of the eye closer together
  • Pneumatic retinopexy: A small bubble of gas is injected into the eye to push the retina back against the wall
  • Cryotherapy: This is the sealing of a retinal tear with a freezing treatment

How Can A Retina Specialist Near Me Help With This Condition?

Any form of retinal surgery requires clinical intervention from a specialist. Searching for a retinal doctor near me is likely to be the best course of action, as the condition is a medical emergency. Should you become aware of any symptoms of retinal detachment (sudden onset of spots, floaters, flashing lights, shadowed or blurred vision, etc.) it’s necessary to get expert help within 24 hours.

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Retina eye specialists carry out the vital prompt treatment that can—quite literally—save your eyesight. Such an expert will quickly determine the form of retinal detachment and the appropriate urgent treatment to rectify it. If you’ve suffered from a detached retina there is a risk of a relapse. As such, it would be prudent to keep a note of your retinal specialist so you know exactly who to contact should symptoms reoccur.


Retinal Detachment Symptoms

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Retinal Holes & Tears

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RETINA | Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the retina?
What is retinal detachment?
What causes retinal detachment?
How long before retinal detachment causes blindness?
What does retinal detachment look like?
What to expect after laser surgery for retinal tear?
What is the retina of the eye?
What are the symptoms of a detached retina?
What is the most common cause of retinal detachment?

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