During the early stages of glaucoma development, there are normally no symptoms. Indeed, it’s believed that half of the people affected aren’t aware they have the condition. As it worsens the peripheral (side) vision starts to be affected, especially that which is closest to your nose. The problem is that as the progression is very slow, it’s almost imperceptible—at least at first. However, as it worsens you may become aware that you can’t see things to the side anymore, might have blurred vision, or you might see rainbow-colored halos around bright lights. If the condition isn’t treated it will progress to complete and irreversible loss of vision. In most cases, the condition occurs in both eyes.
Other, rarer forms of glaucoma can cause acute symptoms, such as.
If this should occur you must immediately seek professional help as this is a time-critical medical emergency. If you don’t have a regular ophthalmologist to contact, carry out an online search for glaucoma specialist near me or best glaucoma specialist near me. Failing that you should present at the nearest ER (emergency room)