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Posterior Vitreous Detachment: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

What Is A Posterior Vitreous Detachment?

A substance called a glassy substance is filled in the middle of the eye. The vitreous tissue is usually attached to the retina, on the back of the eye. A posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is the moment when the vitreous detaches from the retina.

What Causes A Pvd?

With increasing age, the vitreous tissue changes, it becomes less solid and more fluid and shrinks and pulls away from the back of the eye. The vitreous tissue is fixed to the retina by millions of microscopic fibres. If enough of these fibers break, the vitreous body detaches entirely from the retina and creates a PVD.

What Are The Symptoms Of A Pvd?

The majority of people with PVD will not notice any symptoms. A few with PVD have the following symptoms: - Flashes of light in the peripheral or lateral field of vision - Floaters or tiny stains that move within your field of vision. - Or rarely, reduced vision or a dark curtain or shadow moving across your field of vision.

Can Pvd Cause Vision Loss?

To most people, PVD is a benign experience with no symptoms and no vision loss. Others may notice many floaters. Floaters can be annoying, but they tend to become less noticeable over time.

If I Think I'm Having A Pvd, What Should I Do?

The majority of people don't know they have PVD. However, if you suddenly notice a lot of swimmers or flashes of light, or you are visually impaired, contact your eye care specialist as soon as possible. These symptoms may be normal, however they may also indicate that you have a retinal tear or detachment. An ophthalmologist can tell you the difference. If a retinal tear or detachment is treated in time by an ophthalmologist, you can maintain your vision. A small number of people with PVD experience problems when the vitreous tissue detaches from the retina. The vitreous body pulls too much from the back of the eye and takes a piece of the underlying tissue (the retina) with it. This is called a retinal tear. Retinal detachment may occur, which can lead to permanent loss of vision.

Who Is At Risk For Pvd?

A PVD, very similar to wrinkles, is a common part of the aging process. It generally occurs to most people at the age of 70. These are some of the risk factors that can lead to PVD happening earlier: - Shortsightedness - cataract or other eye surgery - diabetes - Trauma (injury) to the eye

How is PVD treated?

When PVD is progressing normally without damaging the retina, no treatment is required. If a retinal tear occurs during PVD, treatment is usually required. Your ophthalmologist will seal the retina to the wall of the eye using a laser or cryopexy (freezing treatment).


A posterior vitreous detachment is when the jelly-like vitreous in the middle of the eye separates from the back of the eye. A PVD is a normal process of aging. By age 70, most people will have one. Most people having a PVD don't notice any symptoms. Other people will see floaters and flashes of light. This can be normal, but if you notice these symptoms suddenly, see an ophthalmologist. He or she will make sure that you don't have a retinal tear or retinal detachment, which can cause a loss of vision. If the PVD tears or detaches your retina, you may need treatment to prevent vision loss. For any questions about your eyes or vision, consult your eye care specialist. He or she is committed to protecting your eyes.

Posterior Vitreous Detachment: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
Posterior Vitreous Detachment: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

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