You’d be forgiven if you thought cataracts were only a later-in-life issue. Of course, for the vast majority, it is an age-related condition. However, early-onset cataracts also blight those with far fewer years under their belt.
Indeed, babies can suffer from congenital cataracts and adults can suffer far sooner than the typical 60+ age bracket when they’re generally expected to be discovered.
Early Onset Cataracts: Everything You Need to Know
- What are early onset cataracts?
- Congenital cataracts in adults and children
- Common (& not so common) young cataract causes
What are early onset cataracts?
Early onset cataracts are those that are diagnosed before you hit 40 and/or cause vision to start to blur before the age of 60.
The symptoms are the same as for age-related cataracts, namely:
- Blurred vision.
- Seeing halos around a light source.
- Difficulty with vision in low light environments.
- Colors appear muted or yellowed.
- Increasingly frequent prescription changes.
- Double vision.
- Glare sensitivity.
Congenital cataracts in adults and children
Congenital cataracts are those that are genetic in origin. They are usually diagnosed soon after birth, hence often being referred to as pediatric cataracts. Sometimes the condition isn’t diagnosed until the child is older, but it will have been present from birth (that’s the meaning of the word, “congenital”).
Such cataracts don’t always affect vision. However, if they do, then treatment is usually surgical and removes the affected lens (or lenses).
Intraocular lenses (IOLs) aren’t usually fitted in children under about 12 months due to potential future vision problems. Instead, the child will use contact lenses or eyeglasses. Those over 12 months may have an IOL fitted.
Congenital cataracts in adults is somewhat of an incorrect terminology. While adults can be predisposed to early onset cataract development due to genetics, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the person was born with them.
Common (& not so common) young cataract causes
There are many young person cataract causes (or those that develop in those under 40).
The most common of these are:
- Genetics: The risk factor is increased in those with a family history of the condition.
- Poorly controlled medical conditions: Such as diabetes, hypertension, eczema, and chronic metabolic conditions.
- Long-term use of certain medications: Most notably, steroids.
- Trauma: Blunt trauma is one of the leading causes of early-onset cataracts.
Another, rarer, cause of early-onset cataracts is extensive exposure to UV radiation. Airline pilots are a classic example (and can help negate this by wearing high-quality sunglasses when flying). Long-term exposure to radio waves, microwaves, or satellites can also raise the risk.
Thankfully, cataracts in children and young adults are easily treated in the same way as their age-related cousins—through surgery. The key is prompt diagnosis. Regular eye exams are vital for everyone, with the frequency driven by the level of risk. For most adults, having vision checked every two years is sufficient. But for those with significant risk factors, this could be annually or even every six months—and will be determined by your ophthalmologist.
Get Expert Early-Onset Cataract Treatment at the West Boca Eye Center
Early-onset cataracts, congenital (pediatric), and traumatic cataracts require incredibly specialist care. Dr. Brent Bellotte, head of the West Boca Eye Center, is a global leader in everything to do with cataracts—including diagnosis, management, and treatment of rarer forms of the disease, such as cataracts in younger people.
Eyesight is precious at every age. But for those in the earlier stages of life, getting the right treatment will have a significant impact on visual acuity for the rest of your life. If you’re worried about or have been diagnosed with cataracts that are outside of the usual age-related range (or you just want world-leading care, no matter how old you are), then there’s nowhere better in the US to go.
Discover more at https://www.westbocaeyecenter.com/ and call our team today to book a consultation.
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Specializing in modern cataract surgery.
Located 1/2 miles North of West Boca Medical Center on Glades Road, directly behind Macy's Furniture Gallery.
West Boca Eye Center
9325 Glades Road, Suite 201.
Boca Raton, FL 33434