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What State Has the Best Cataract Surgeons?

The US is extremely fortunate to have a wonderful network of great cataract surgeons. Indeed, wherever you live you’re almost guaranteed to have multiple options, allowing you to make an informed choice as to who you’d like to perform the procedure. 

However, the question, “Which state has the best cataract surgeons?” isn’t necessarily that straightforward to answer. This is because there are many different types of cataracts. Plus, coexisting medical conditions must also be taken into consideration.

It’s necessary to dig a little deeper into the subject to truly understand what we mean by “the best” and how it impacts each individual situation.

Cataract Surgery Isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All Procedure

  • Cataract types and coexisting medical conditions
  • Which state has the best cataract surgeons for your needs?

Cataract types and coexisting medical conditions

When looking for the best cataract surgeon, it’s first necessary to define the needs of the individual. For instance:

  • Is the cataract/s age-related?
  • Has the cataract formed following some kind of eye trauma?
  • How old is the affected person? Are they a child?
  • Does the person have diabetes?
  • Are there any eye abnormalities that would make a cataract procedure more complex?
  • What other medical conditions does the person have?

The last point is the one that will be most relevant for a lot of people. This is because the most common form of cataracts is age-related. As we get older, other medical conditions also become more likely. These could be primary eye conditions or other medical issues that also affect eye health.

These include (but aren’t limited to):

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Diabetes (both type 1 and type 2)
  • HIV 
  • Autoimmune conditions

Various eye conditions also make cataract surgery a higher risk.

Examples include age-related macular degeneration, a previous retinal detachment, diabetic eye disease, any current or previous infection, glaucoma, and any type of corneal problems. The geometry of the eye itself can also be a problem. This is something that your eye doctor may well be aware of and will have signposted during regular eye examinations.

Which state has the best cataract surgeons for your needs?

Millions of cataract surgeries are carried out each year with an almost 100% success rate. However, not every surgeon specializes in higher-risk procedures. While most perform excellent cataract surgery for those in general good health (or perhaps with a single coexisting condition), those with very complex needs are likely to need a specialist.

This is especially relevant for pediatric cataracts, adults with multiple medical conditions, and those who’ve been told they have an abnormal eye geometry that will make the procedure a higher risk.

The good news is that the field of cataract surgery is constantly advancing. New techniques, procedures, and intraocular lenses (IOLs) are evolving, with amazing new technology bringing sci-fi-level care to the mainstream.

One great example of this is that there’s now an IOL that can have the prescription changed while it’s in situ. This is an amazing feat of science that even a mere few years ago was a complete impossibility.

For anyone with complex cataract surgical needs, you may find that you’ll need to travel to visit the best surgeon. Your eyesight is the most important of all the five senses and this minor inconvenience is something that many people consider is worth the effort. 

Want to Find Which State Near You Has the Best Cataract Surgeons? The WBEC Can Help

As one of the leading cataract surgery providers in the US, we often serve people from across the US. However, if you’d like to search for a surgeon a little closer to home, then we’ve made it a simple process.

Visit our bespoke online search tool at Enter your state and be instantly supplied with a list. Or, if you’d like to speak to our expert clinicians about having the procedure at the West Boca Eye Center, call us today and we’ll be delighted to help.

What State Has the Best Cataract Surgeons?
What State Has the Best Cataract Surgeons?

The US is extremely fortunate to have a wonderful network of great cataract surgeons.

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Specializing in modern cataract surgery.

Located 1/2 miles North of West Boca Medical Center on Glades Road, directly behind Macy's Furniture Gallery.

West Boca Eye Center
9325 Glades Road, Suite 201.
Boca Raton, FL 33434

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