What Is An Eye Surgeon Called?
Eye surgeon, eye doctor, ophthalmologist… They’re all terms that are often used interchangeably to describe a healthcare professional responsible for the eyes. Yet this is somewhat inaccurate, as the term “eye surgeon” is often interpreted in a variety of ways.The following demystifies the terminology, providing the accurate title by which an eye surgeon goes by.
Eye Surgeons: Grades, qualifications, and expertise
- The basics: What is an eye surgeon called?
- Can all eye surgeons carry out all eye-related procedures?
The basics: what is an eye surgeon called?
The official term for an eye surgeon is an ophthalmologist. This is the professional title for a medical doctor who’s taken on additional training to specialize in the care of the eyes. It takes a minimum of eight years (post-college) to qualify as an ophthalmologist.Often referred to as an Eye MD., this clinical specialist is licensed to practice both medicine and surgery.
Can all eye surgeons carry out all eye-related procedures?
All eye surgeons can carry out the following procedures:
- Diagnosis and treatment of all eye diseases, including those that arise due to another health condition (such as diabetes).
- Prescribing medications
- Carrying out surgical procedures
- Prescribing and fitting eyeglasses and contact lenses to correct vision problems, such as shortsightedness, longsightedness, and astigmatism.
Many ophthalmologists also carry out significant research to advance the understanding and treatments of various vision disorders and eye disease.In addition, ophthalmologists might undertake further training to specialize in the treatment of various eye conditions. This could include laser vision correction, cataract surgery, glaucoma treatment, and pediatric eye conditions, to name but a few.
How to Find the Best Eye Surgeon
- Determining the eye surgeon you need
- Why local isn’t always the best option
- South Florida residents flock to leading Boca Raton Ophthalmologist
Determining the eye surgeon you need
If you have a particular eye condition, deciding which eye surgeon to partner with is a big step. Your eyesight is truly precious, therefore selecting the practitioner to whom you entrust it shouldn’t be something that’s taken lightly.For many people, seeking out an eye surgeon who specializes in your particular eye condition/s is the best course of action.
Why local isn’t always the best option
While it can be convenient to have a local eye surgeon, this shouldn’t be the driving factor in the selection. If you have a condition that requires expertise, or indeed one that represents a significant risk to the quality of your vision, then partnering with a leading expert in that field is the best option. If this means traveling to see them, this is a small inconvenience if it means you avail yourself of the best treatment available.
South Florida residents flock to leading Boca Raton Ophthalmologist
Boca Raton Ophthalmologist, Brent Bellotte MD., is one of the world’s leading eye surgeons in the field of laser vision correction and cataract surgery. Highly respected by his peers, his clinic is the go-to choice for many Americans, with Floridians having the huge advantage of this leading ophthalmologist being located in their neighborhood.
Contact the WBEC Today: Clinical Excellence from a World-Leading Surgeon, Boca Raton-based
South Florida, and Boca Raton in particular, offer excellent transport links for easy travel from anywhere within the US. The globally-renowned eye surgeon, Brent Bellotte MD., is the clinical lead at this academic grade eye center, and the reason so many make the journey to avail themselves of his expertise. Whether you need laser vision correction, cataract surgery, or other specialist treatment, Dr. Bellotte’s care is, without a doubt, a world-beating choice.Visit https://westbocaeyecenter.com to find out more and schedule your appointment.
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Specializing in modern cataract surgery.
Located 1/2 miles North of West Boca Medical Center on Glades Road, directly behind Macy's Furniture Gallery.
West Boca Eye Center
9325 Glades Road, Suite 201.
Boca Raton, FL 33434