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How Can the Sun Hurt Our Eyes?

Everyone is aware that we need to protect our skin from the sun. But do you give your eyes the same TLC? If not, it’s something you should give serious consideration to—the UV rays from our closest star have the potential to cause irreversible damage to our eyes. 

However, while there’s the potential for the sun to have a significantly detrimental effect on vision, there are some simple ways to prevent this from happening.

Sunlight, Vision, & Ways to Protect Our Eyesight

  • Understanding how the sun can hurt our eyes
  • Eye diseases that overexposure to sunlight can cause
  • How to protect your eyesight from the sun

Understanding how the sun can hurt our eyes

Most people are familiar with the term UV (ultraviolet) rays. The sun emits three kinds of these: 

  • UVA
  • UVB
  • UVC

The latter is mostly blocked by the earth’s atmosphere—although it is emitted by some light sources, such as welding torches. When UVC rays hit the body, they can penetrate the tissues and cause significant damage to the cells and DNA.

When we think of sun damage to the skin and eyes, it’s mainly UVA and UVB we need to worry about. While UVA rays emit slightly less energy, both are destructive to the skin cells’ DNA.

Eye diseases that overexposure to sunlight can cause

If the eyes are exposed to too much or unfiltered UVA and UVB rays, the risk of tissue damage and disease increases. While the buildup is usually over years, rather than months, the following are some of the eye diseases known or believed to be exacerbated by sunlight.

  • Cataracts: This is where proteins within the eye clump together and begin to block the passage of light through the lens of the eye. When this layer becomes too thick it prevents signals from the light being able to travel to the brain. Cataracts cause reduced vision at first—but if left they can cause total loss of sight. Sadly, and despite being easily rectified, cataracts remain the leading cause of blindness across the world.
  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD): This is caused when a part of the retina—called the macula—begins to break down. There’s more and more evidence that suggests long-term exposure to UV rays can be a primary cause of AMD.
  • Surfer’s Eye: Or, to give it its clinical name, Pterygium, is a growth on the surface of the eye that extends from the sclera (the white of the eye) to the cornea. This, along with a similar condition, known as a pinguecula (a fat and protein deposit on the white of the eye) are both believed to be linked to excessive UV ray exposure.
  • Eyelid cancer: Both basal and squamous cell carcinoma are likely to be caused by excessive UV ray exposure.

How to protect your eyesight from the sun

It’s easy to protect your eyes from the sun. Simply wear a hat with a brim and good-quality sunglasses. Together, these simple wardrobe additions will protect your eyes from the majority of UV rays.

Combine this with regular eye tests and you’ll be safe in the knowledge that you’re doing everything you can to ensure your eyes remain at their best health throughout your life.

Get Answers to “How Can the Sun Hurt Our Eyes?” and Other Questions at the WBEC 

While the primary purpose of the excellent clinical care on offer at the West Boca Eye Center is to look after our patients’ eyesight, we also have a passion for educating people about eye health.

Protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays is one of the pivotal steps to ensure you have the best possible eyesight throughout your life. Every regular eye exam comes with expert advice from your eye doctor. And, if the worst happens, and you are or have been diagnosed with AMD, cataracts, or another eye condition (caused by sunlight or otherwise), then you’ll receive world-leading treatment to stop any further degeneration.

Visit to find out more and call today to book an appointment.

How Can the Sun Hurt Our Eyes?
How Can the Sun Hurt Our Eyes?

Protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays is one of the pivotal steps to ensure you have the best possible eyesight throughout your life.

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Located 1/2 miles North of West Boca Medical Center on Glades Road, directly behind Macy's Furniture Gallery.

West Boca Eye Center
9325 Glades Road, Suite 201.
Boca Raton, FL 33434

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