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3 Helpful Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eye affects an estimated 1 in 5 people. It often flares up without warning and can make day-to-day life a misery. There are no definitive clinical treatments for the condition—how it’s cared for is dependent on the cause. 

There are, however, many steps to help the condition. Some need to be carried out by an eye doctor and others can be carried out yourself.

How to Treat Dry Eye

  • Getting a diagnosis
  • 3 helpful treatments for dry eyes: eye doctor treatment
  • 3 helpful treatments for dry eyes: at-home treatment

Getting a diagnosis

Dry eyes often go hand-in-hand with allergies. However, it can occur as a separate condition on its own—often exacerbated by environmental conditions, such as the cold and wind.

The first step to treating dry eye is to determine whether an allergy is the root cause. If so, managing it will be led by avoidance of the trigger. Getting assessed by an ophthalmologist who specializes in treating allergies and dry eye is the first step to recovery.

3 helpful treatments for dry eyes: eye doctor treatment

Once an eye doctor has determined the underlying cause of dry eye, a treatment plan can then be put in place to help resolve it. If the condition is because of an infection, such as blepharitis or chalazion, this will be targeted first. But if it’s caused by something else, such as trauma and/or corneal abrasion, the treatment will be different.

There are very many conditions that can cause dry eye symptoms. Depending on the cause, the eye doctor may consider one of the following 3 helpful treatments:

  1. Antibiotics: If an infection is present, such as blepharitis, you might be prescribed antibiotics to get this under control.
  2. Surgery: This might be an option if the watering is because of a blocked tear duct. There are various options for counteracting this. One of the latest involves the surgeon inserting a tiny catheter with a balloon into the tear duct. The balloon is then inflated to enlarge the passageway and allow the fluid to drain freely.
  3. Cleaning and treating the eye: If your eye doctor can see a foreign object in the eye that won’t disperse via natural eye lubrication. you may need a procedure to remove it. Your eye will be numbed and eye drops that dilate the pupil will be used. The eye will then be flushed and cleaned. Once the debris is gone, you might have a contact lens and/and or an eye patch fitted to protect the cornea while it heals. It will be assessed a few times post-treatment to ensure the healing process goes as planned. 

3 helpful treatments for dry eyes: at-home treatment

In the case of dry eye that occurs in isolation—it’s due to an abnormality in the quality of the tears the body produces—there are many actions you can take yourself to help alleviate the symptoms.

Three of the best are:

  1. Use artificial tears: These are easily purchased from any drugstore (although consult your eye doctor as to which are the best—you should ideally use a preservative-free option) and used to lubricate the eye. The solution mimics the natural combination of liquid and nutrients that the body should be producing, thus helping to balance the quality of your natural tears.
  2. Use a warm compress: Not only will this soothe the area, but it promotes healthy tear production. You can purchase purpose-made compresses or simply soak a flannel in warm water, wring it out, and place it over the eyes. Whichever method you use, take care that the temperature isn’t too hot—it should just feel pleasantly warm. This can be done as many times per day as you like.
  3. Gentle massage: Using either a Q-tip or your fingertips, gently massage the eyelid area (with your eyes closed). This helps push the oil out of glands to lubricate the eyes.

Get the Best Dry Eye and Allergy Treatment at the West Boca Eye Center

The first step to curing dry eye is getting a diagnosis. At the WBEC, we carry out various tests that will determine the root cause. Once this is achieved, a treatment plan can be put into place.

While there’s no “cure” for dry eye, there are many things that can be done to manage symptoms and get you to a stage where it’s fully under control.

Head to to browse our services and call today to book a consultation.

3 Helpful Treatments for Dry Eyes
3 Helpful Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eye affects an estimated 1 in 5 people. It often flares up without warning and can make day-to-day life a misery.

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9325 Glades Road, Suite 201.
Boca Raton, FL 33434

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