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How to Qualify for Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery—or to give it its medical name, a blepharoplasty—can be carried out for many reasons. The most obvious is if either the upper, lower, or both eyelids are interfering with your eyesight. Other reasons can be more cosmetic—perhaps to reduce the signs of aging, improve your looks, create a double eyelid. or to improve your field of peripheral (side) vision.But how do you qualify? When would an eye surgeon consider that you’re a good candidate and how do you go about finding more information?Well, the first step is to read this article. We discuss reasons for eyelid surgery and what might make you suitable—plus the steps to take to make the procedure a reality.

All About Eyelid Surgery

  • What is eyelid surgery?
  • Who performs eyelid surgery?
  • How to qualify for eyelid surgery

What is eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery involves the removal of drooping lids, skin, and fat from around the eyes. It’s a plastic surgery procedure and can improve the appearance of hooded or drooping eyelids and also bags beneath the eyes.The surgeon will make an incision in the required area (either above or below the eye, depending on the needs—or both, if necessary). The excess skin and fat will be removed, and the wound will be closed. In some cases, fat might be repositioned and/or tendons and muscles supported.

Who performs eyelid surgery?

Eyelid surgery can only be carried out by an appropriately qualified surgeon.

How to qualify for eyelid surgery?

The reasons for having eyelid surgery are many. Some of the most common include:

  • Ptosis: Also known as a drooping upper eyelid. Children can be born with the condition, or it can develop through the aging process. If they droop to the extent that vision is interrupted, this is definitely a reason to undergo surgery. You might also want it done for aesthetic reasons.
  • Bags, wrinkles, and lower eyelid bulges: This is a common procedure, especially in those who develop excessive puffiness or deep lines/circles beneath the eyes.
  • Pingueculum: This is a growth on the conjunctiva that extends from the corner of the eye. A form of eyelid surgery might be necessary to remove it.
  • Double eyelid surgery: This is performed to create a crease in the eyelid—something that not everyone is born with. It is a purely cosmetic choice, but one that’s becoming increasingly popular.

If you think you might want eyelid surgery—be it for medical or cosmetic reasons—it’s essential to consult an experienced surgeon who’ll assess your needs. Be sure to carry out due diligence as to who does this. They need to assess many areas, not just the fact that you desire your eyelids to look different.A full medical assessment is necessary. They’ll need to know your medical history, any medication you take, family history, allergies, and more. An experienced surgeon will let you know the risks (all surgery has an element of risk), how long the procedure will take, recovery time, and the results you can expect.Depending on the extent of work to be done, eyelid surgery can be carried out under either local or general anesthetic.

Want to Discover if you Qualify for Eyelid Surgery? Call the WBEC Today

At the West Boca Eye Center, our highly experienced clinicians provide all the information and treatment options you need for eyelid surgery. Not only will you be fully assessed, and all your options discussed, but you can relax in the knowledge that you’re in the hands of one of the most renowned surgical ophthalmologists in the world—Brent Bellotte MD.His custom-built, academic-grade clinic provides top-level treatment for all eye health, including eyelid surgery.Visit for more information and call us today to book an appointment.

How to Qualify for Eyelid Surgery
How to Qualify for Eyelid Surgery

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