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What’s Causing Your Dry Eyes?

What’s Causing Your Dry Eyes?

Dry eye is a condition that affects many people. Despite being common, many people struggle to get to the root cause of the problem. This, in turn, often leads to less-than-effective treatments, meaning many people simply end up accepting that the miserable symptoms are something they have to live with. Some people suffer because of allergies, others because of exposure to irritants. Severe cases can have a very real impact on day-to-day life, meaning that it’s essential to seek definitive treatment to control the condition.

Dry Eyes: What You Need to Know

  • Understanding dry eyes
  • Cause of dry eye

Understanding dry eyes

Dry eye is a common condition that sports a rather confusing name. Dry eye isn’t that your body fails to create tears—it’s that the quality of this lubrication isn’t of sufficient standard. This is why most people with dry eye suffer from streaming eyes that can, in some cases, be life-altering.Tears are essential to allow your eyelid to smoothly glide over the surface of the eye. They also provide the eye with essential nutrients for good health and optimal function.Symptoms of dry eye include:

  • Overproduction of tears
  • Feeling like there’s something in your eye/s
  • Redness
  • Sore eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Itching eyes

Cause of dry eye

There are many causes of dry eye, but the most common is either allergies or exposure to irritants. Hay fever symptoms during spring and summer are a classic cause. Other causes include:

  • Exposure to smoke
  • Extended computer screen use
  • Wearing contact lenses
  • Wind exposure
  • Dust
  • Spending too much time in heated or air-conditioned environments

Treatment for Dry Eyes

  • The key to treatment is finding the root cause of dry eye

The key to treatment is finding the root cause of dry eye

There are many over-the-counter products on the market to treat dry eye, including artificial tears. However, the most important aspect of definitive treatment is to discover the allergen or irritant that’s creating the problem.This is often easier said than done. You might be allergic to more than one substance, for example. One way to help pinpoint the culprit is to keep a diary of symptoms. That way, over time, you may be able to see a connection.Treatment options are many, including:

  • Medication to treat any underlying allergy
  • Medications to treat the symptoms, such as reducing inflammation of the eyelid and cornea
  • Drugs that stimulate the healthy production of tears
  • The use of artificial tears
  • Eye inserts that secrete tears for lubrication
  • Eye masks and compresses to help unblock oil glands within the eyes
  • Eyelid massage
  • Light therapy
  • Special contact lenses
  • A surgical procedure that partially or wholly closes the tear duct

There’s continual research going on to advance the treatment of dry eye. It can be a very complex condition that may require a bespoke approach for your situation. One of the latest includes eye drops that are made from your blood. Many cutting-edge treatments are available for those with severe dry eye that truly impacts their quality of life. If this is your situation, seeking out an expert who specializes in the condition should be considered a matter of priority.

Don’t Live With Dry Eyes: Contact the WBEC for the Ultimate Treatment

The West Boca Eye Center is a world-leading clinic dedicated to the treatment of all eye conditions. This includes the often-problematic issue of dry eyes. Headed by globally renowned ophthalmologist, Brent Bellotte MD., he leads a talented team of clinicians united by a passion to help their patients have their very best vision—and that includes getting to the root cause of dry eye issues.Don’t suffer a single day more than you have to. Visit to learn a little more about the condition and call today to book an appointment.

What’s Causing Your Dry Eyes?
What’s Causing Your Dry Eyes?

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